What does CIM stand for?

CIM is a paragliding association born in 2021 at San Giuliano Terme (PI), an ancient village in the mountain system that divides Pisa from Lucca. CIM means “Centro Igiene Mentale (Reparto parapendio)”, which is equivalent to “Mental Hygiene Center (paragliding division)” in English. Thus, you will be wondering the reason behind this funny choice without finding a solution. Here we are to explain the mystery about our name.

Generally, a paragliding pilot is characterized by a rational madness that refers neither to a specific alienation state nor a lack of awareness. On the contrary, it represents the engine necessary for a human to leave the ground and reach the blue sky by flying like a bird near clouds accompanied by the wind whisper.

Therefore, if all paragliding pilots are crazy, we have decided to take care of them with our Mental Hygiene Center.

It is worth highlighting that CIM is a light-hearted pilot group that wants to share the free-flight passion and the feeling of freedom with the world. For those reasons, the CIM promotes paragliding activities and sports events, maintains the take-off and landing areas, and gets a peaceful meeting location for all pilots. Finally, we may say that the CIM became the most important free-flying association near Pisa thanks to the great passion of our members.